Terms of service



Bridges inc. welcomes you on the Bridges app. This is the terms of services for the app. Please read carefully as this is a binding contract.

Your account

To use the Bridges app, you will need to create an account. This account will need to contain the following information: Name Date of birth Email account Social media account

Age requierment

Users of the bridges app must be 13 years old or older

Modifiaction of the terms of service

Bridges inc. has the right to modify the terms of services at any time for any reason. The current users of the bridges app will be required to accept out new terms of services

Permission to use your data

Some services offered by the Bridges app require access to some sensitive data, such as phone numbers, Email addresses and social media accounts. You can choose to limit Bridges access to some other types of data, but the effectiveness of the service will be reduced

Account termination

If a user violates any of these policies, Bridges inc. has the right to terminate the users account

Modification of the app

Users of the Bridges app cannot attempt to change the app in any way. If a user attempts to change the app, the user's account will be terminated

Reverse engineering

Users of the Bridges app cannot attempt to reverse engineer any of Bridges copyrighted technologies. If a user attempts to reverse engineer any of Bridges copyrighted technologies, the user's account will be terminated and they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law

Use of other users' data

Users of the Bridges app cannot collect, use or distribute any other users. If a user attempts to collect, use or distribute other users data, the user's account will be terminated


Users of the bridges app cannot impersonate someone else or provide doctored information. If a user is found impersonating another user or having used doctored information to create their account, the user's account will be terminated

Illegal activities

Users of the Bridges app have to follow the laws of their local government. If a user is found using the bridges app for illegal purposes, their account will be terminated

Misinformation / False freporting

Users of the Bridges app can report individuals if they suspect that the individuals in question have broken the terms of services. If a user is discovered to be falsifying reports, this user's account will be terminated