
Users with early access says

Piyush Acharya @PAcha1

The bridges app has made switiching phones much easier. I had to change phones after my last one broke and using bridges has made the transition much smoother. Everyone in my contact list that used the app had my information up to date.

Simone Smith @SimoneS

The bridges app has made meeting new people and giving them my information much easier. With the ability to send specific information to someone who i just met, I have been able to greatly expand my social circle.

Olivier Chartrand @OLI115

This application does exactly what it's meant to do.

Jerome Hric @Hric

Bridges is a great service that is free. It does what it is supposed to, but hasn't blown me away with features that do more than what we would assume. If you meet a lot of people everyday, I would recommend Bridges, but if you don't, the app won't have much importance for you.

Rebecca Black @RB

This app is great, but I have concernes about the security. This app stores almost all of the valuable data that one possesses. I am scared that a security breach would be disastrous. With the app being free, I am also concerned that Bridges would be willing to sell our data to advertisers.